Alot of brides have a hard time finding a way to honor loved ones that have passed because they don't want to dampen this joyous occasion with sad memories. But it doesn't have to be sad. Here are some simple, elegant and uplifting ways to honor those who are no longer with us. Seat of Honor An empty chair can be left in the front row and then the bride or groom can place a single white rose on it when they walk down the aisle. This is a very sweet and moving gesture. Memory Candle Memory candles like this one from Rexcraft are a lovely way to honor the memory of your loved one. You can light it during the ceremony and then place it on a remembrance table at the reception.. Special Reading, Song or Poem During the ceremony or reception, have someone read the loved one’s favorite scripture or poem or a personal letter written by them during their life. Or someone can sing their favorite song. Personal Memento Wear or carry something that belonged to your loved one. It can be a rosary, jewelry, handkerchief or a picture in a locket.
Fall is becoming a very popular season for weddings. With the drop in temperature and the beautiful Autumn colors I can see why. Check out these fall-inspired wedding favors that will accent your fall theme perfectly. Caramel ApplesThese can be packaged individually and tied with a ribbon in your wedding colors. You can add a cute little saying like "Love is Sweet" or just put your monograms on them. Apple Cider MixYou can buy these prepackaged like you see in the picture above or buy some glassine envelopes from somewhere like Michael's and put them together yourself.
Every wednesday we will have some money saving ideas so you can have an awesome wedding without breaking the bank! Ways to save on your venue
Just wanted to share some of my favorite ceremony readings with all of you. Enjoy! "You were born together" "by Kahlil Gibran "You were born together, and together you shall be forevermore. You shall be together when the white wings of death scatter your days. Aye, you shall be together even in the silent memory of God. But let there be spades in your togetherness. And let the winds of the heavens dance between you. Love one another but make not a bond of love. Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls. Fill each other’s cup but drink not from one cup. Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf. Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each of you be alone, even as the strings of the lute are alone though they quiver with the same music. Give your hearts, but not into each other’s keeping. For only the land of Life can contain your hearts. And stand together, yet not too near together, for the pillars of the temple stand apart, and the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other’s shadow." A Lovely Love Story by Edward Monkton The fierce Dinosaur was trapped inside his cage of ice. Although it was cold he was happy in there. It was, after all, HIS cage. Then along came the Lovely Other Dinosaur. The Lovely Other Dinosaur melted the Dinosaur's cage with kind words and loving thoughts. I like this Dionsaur, thought the Lovely Other Dinosaur. Although he is fierce he is also tender and he is funny. He is also quite clever though I will not tell him this for now. I like this Lovely Other Dinosaur, thought the Dinosaur. She is beautiful and she is different and she smells so nice. She is also a free spirit which is a quality I much admire in a dinosaur. But he can be so distant and so peculiar at times, thought the Lovely Other Dinosaur. He is also overly fond of Things. Are all Dinosaurs so overly fond of Things? But her mind skips from here to there so quickly, thought the Dinosaur. She is also uncommonly keen on Shopping. Are all Lovely Other Dinosaurs so uncommonly keen on shopping? I will forgive his peculiarity and his concern for Things, thought the Lovely Other Dinosaur. For they are part of what makes him a richly charactered individual. I will forgive her skipping mind and her fondness for shopping, thought the Dinosaur. For she fills our life with beautiful thought and wonderful surprises. Besides, I am not unkeen on shopping either. Now the Dinosaur and the Lovely Other Dinosaur are old. Look at them. Together they stand on the hill telling each other stories and feeling the warmth of the sun on their backs. And that, my frends, is how it is with love. Let us all be Dinosaurs and Lovely Other Dinosaurs together. For the sun is warm. And the world is a beautiful place. "Us Two" A reading from Pooh Bear ~ By AA Milne "Wherever I am, there's always Pooh; there's always Pooh and me. Whatever I do, he wants to do, "where are you going today?" says Pooh... "Well, that's very odd 'cos I was too. "Let's go together," says Pooh, says he. "Let's go together", says Pooh. "What's twice eleven?" I said to Pooh, "Twice what?" said Pooh to Me. "I think it ought to be twenty two", "Just what I think myself," said Pooh. "It wasn't an easy sum to do, But that's what it is," said Pooh, said he. "That's what it is," said Pooh. "Let's look for the dragons," I said to Pooh. "Yes, let's," said Pooh to Me. We crossed the river and found a few... "Yes those are dragons all right," said Pooh. "As soon as I saw their beaks I knew. That's what they are," said Pooh, said he. "That's what they are," said Pooh. "Let's frighten the dragons," I said to Pooh. "That's right," said Pooh to Me. "I'm not afraid," I said to Pooh, And held his paw and shouted "Shoo! Silly old dragons!" and off they flew. "I wasn't afraid," said Pooh, said he, "I'm never afraid with you." So wherever I am, there's always Pooh; there's always Pooh and me. "What would I do?" I said to Pooh, "If it wasn't for you," and Pooh said... "True, It isn't much fun for One, but Two can stick together," says Pooh, says he. "That's how it is," says Pooh. We had the best time working with this beautiful couple and their loving families. Their wedding was held on a beautiful late summer day at The Royal Manor in Garfield, NJ. It was a ceremony and reception full of tradition, symbolism, customs and great humor! Here are some pics from their awesome day! Will post more once the professional pics are in. Congratulations to the beautiful couple!